I love the Lord. So this is me! follow me as I live life. Of course, I won't always be a teenager. But, I'll remember these days as good ones.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The day..hte dya...eth yda...eht ayd... :) (:

Well, okay, so not the greatest day.. A youth leader of mine got word today that her husband's mom is dying. She had to have an amputation because of diabetes I think, and she got an infection which now is incurable. And so, they've gone down to be with her before. They're pretty happy people, these friends of mine. It's just like a kick in the gut when something like this happens. You get used to your normal every day routine, and when something like this happens, time stops, and it's like you're actually standing still for the first time in a while. I've never lost someone before, in this way. Not by dying. i mean, it's happened. My mom's first husband died of cancer. My granny (great gramma) died of cancer. My uncle died of a drug overdose. My great grandad (who helped pay for the massive hospital bill when my sis and I were born) died in my lifetime. But I never knew him. I have had people I know and love be separated from me through things other than death. My oldest brother has done terrible and out of prison..haven't seenhim since I was maybe 3 or 4. But he's not a very good example, i suppose..I don't miss him. i never knew him. :/ so..
All of these things that just happen make me so happy to have Someone there at all times, that will never die...never fail me..and above all never stop loving me. god is my inspiration, the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I still have a good life amidst all the death, sin, and corruption.

I love You, God. thank You.

to all out there contemplating God: Believe in Him, and your life will be what you always wished. Not perfect, but when things get the way they get, you will always have God. He is real, and there is absolutely, no arguing with that. <3

'Till then bloggers. ~ + ~