I love the Lord. So this is me! follow me as I live life. Of course, I won't always be a teenager. But, I'll remember these days as good ones.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


So, this morning I woke up 30 minutes before I had to leave for church. AAHH!!! I woke up to my dad knocking on my door. (he was smart to not open the door) but he said we were leaving in half an hour, and I seriously mumbled "Crap." LOL That close to sleep I didn't even know I COULD speak, much less say CRAP. *I Laugh!!* Anyways, it was my Pastor's "PJ's" last Sunday at our little country community church, because he and his wife, Heather is retiring. It was the greatest service I think since my Grandad retired from his church. Every pew in there was full. It was great. WE WILL MISS YOU PJ AND HEATHER!! <3 <3

Well, after that we had like this dinner and such, and then a mission trip meeting. That meeting was EPIC. It started after lunch so, what? Around 1:30? 1:45? Yeah, it ended at 5:45. Woooow. Seriously long. But it was very productive and we had fun too, so. :)
Tonight, my cousins came over to my house: Anna (15) Atticus (14) (I think) Aramis (11) and Avalon (8). We wrestled, and ran around, and I carried little Avalon around, and listened to Atticus's music...pretty and all around good time. WE were laying in the grass at one point staring at the sky. It's been kinda gloomy around here for summer, but we noticed that you could look at the sky in that position and tell that it was rounded. Cool. :)

'Till then awesome Bloggers!!